
4 Reasons to Hire a Consultant When You Open a Coworking Space

A consultant is someone who provides expert advice. There are many avenues to look for advice and direction available today – especially with robust search engines like Google. With all this “free” advice, what is the value in hiring a consultant for your coworking space? I have compiled a simple list of why hiring a consultant adds value to your business.

Value 1: Research

Looking up the industry, software, locations, and set up take a lot of time. Often people who are looking at opening a space are fairly new to the concept and are solo in their journey. Starting any new business is a lot of work; starting a new business that is disrupting a centuries-old real estate model is an even bigger challenge! Hiring a consultant to come along side and supply you with critical community and industry information gives you the power to start faster.

Value 2: Wisdom

A Consultant in any industry comes with wisdom. By choosing a consultant that has been involved with and has experience in the business you are in or looking to get into, you are bringing that wisdom to the table.
Much like having a mentor – which we should all have – a consultant brings their professional wisdom directly to you. You can use the best industry knowledge and at the same time avoid the pitfalls you would not otherwise have seen.

Value 3: Collaboration

Coworking is about collaboration. Hire a consultant to collaborate with you on specific projects that are very time consuming, like manual writing. Adding their expertise to your projects not only will help your development and growth, but it will also bring the best of your vision and the consultant’s practical knowledge to serve your members and your community.

Value 4: Focus

In a startup environment, there are literally hundreds of things that require the founder’ attention. Working with a consultant allows the founder and other staff to focus on their roles and do quality work. With this professional oversight, the most important things get done well and the loose ends are tied up. This means less stress and more success for all.

These four are just a few reasons to hire a consultant and can be applied to many different areas. The value is measurable for your team in opening or operating a space. I’d love to talk to you and discover how I can help your brand succeed. Contact me today!

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